Projekt Kronos (?)

roject Kronos is an documentary film set in the not too distant future, following a mission to achieve interstellar space travel. As the mission unfolds with extraordinary results, the scientists find themselves dealing with a much bigger agenda.


Slov. názov Projekt Kronos
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Anotácia roject Kronos is an documentary film set in the not too distant future, following a mission to achieve interstellar space travel. As the mission unfolds with extraordinary results, the scientists find themselves dealing with a much bigger agenda.
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Osoby a obsadenie
Filmová história scifi


Project Kronos: úsvit medzihviezdneho letu

Pozrite krátky dokument z neďalekej budúcnosti, ktorý mapuje prvú ľudskú misu za hranice slnečnej sústavy. Pochopiteľne, nakoniec objavia omnoho viacej, ako pôvodne čakali.

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