Slov. názov | Babylon 5 |
Orig. názov | Babylon 5 |
Hodnotenie | 95 % (2 hodnotení) |
Anotácia | Babylon 5, stanica umiestnená v neutrálnom sektore našej Galaxie. Miesto stretnutia mnohých rás, dejisko udalostí, ktoré pohli vesmírom a osudmi ľudí v ňom. |
Tvoje hodnotenie |
Minirecenzia: Ak chceš hodnotiť sfdb, musíš byť prihlásený |
Osoby a obsadenie | |
John Sheridan | Bruce Boxleitner |
Jeffrey Sinclair | Michael O'Hare |
Susan Ivanovová | Claudia Christian |
Michael Garibaldi | Jerry Doyle |
P. č. | Názov | Originálny názov | Prod |
1. séria | |||
1 | Polnočný útok | Midnight on the Firing Line | |
2 | Lovec duší | Soul Hunter | |
3 | Vznešený pôvod | Born to the Purple | |
4 | Infekcia | Infection | |
5 | Parlament snov | The Parliament of Dreams | |
6 | Vojna mozgov | Mind War | |
7 | Vojna o vojnu | The War Prayer | |
8 | A obloha je plná hviezd | And the Sky Full of Stars | |
9 | Kráčajúca smrť | Deathwalker | |
10 | Veriaci | Believers | |
11 | Krvná pomsta | Survivors | |
12 | Účel svätí prostriedky | By Any Means Necessary | |
13 | Znamenia a predtuchy | Signs and Portents | |
14 | Mutai | TKO | |
15 | Grál | Grail | |
16 | Oči | Eyes | |
17 | Posolstvá | Legacies | |
18 | Hlas v pustatine (1) | A Voice in the Wilderness (1) | |
19 | Hlas v pustatine (2) | A Voice in the Wilderness (2) | |
20 | Babylon na druhú | Babylon Squared | |
21 | Zľutovanie | The Quality of Mercy | |
22 | Kukla | Chrysalis | |
2. séria | |||
1 | Východisko | Points of Departure | |
2 | Zjavenie | Revelations | |
3 | Geometria tieňov | Geometry of Shadows | |
4 | Vzdialená hviezda | A Distant Star | |
5 | Vojak temnôt | The Long Dark | |
6 | Pavúk na sieti | A Spider in the Web | |
7 | Spriaznené duše | Soul Mates | |
8 | Naháňačka v temnotách | A Race through Dark Places | |
9 | Príchod tieňov | The Comming of Shadows | |
10 | Šlapáci | GROPOS | |
11 | Sám uprostred noci | All Alone in the Night | |
12 | Formy obetí | Acts of Sacrifice | |
13 | Lovec, korisť | Hunter, prey | |
14 | Všetci ctia klamstvo | They all the Honor Lies | |
15 | A teraz na slovíčko | And Now for a Word | |
16 | Tiene z planéty Z´Ha´Dum | In the Shadow of Z´Ha´Dum | |
17 | Nože | Knives | |
18 | Spoveď a nárek | Confessions and Lamentations | |
19 | Rozdvojená vernosť | Divided Loyalties | |
20 | Dlhý boj za súmraku | The Long Twilight Struggle | |
21 | Prichádza inkvizítor | Comes the Inquisitor | |
22 | Príchod noci | Fall of the Night | |
3. séria | |||
1 | Otázka cti | Matters of Honor | |
2 | Ortiele | Convictions | |
3 | Deň rozbojov | A Day in the Strife | |
4 | Noc v Gethsemanskej záhrade | Passing through Gethsemane | |
5 | Autoritatívne hlasy | Voices of Authority | |
6 | Prach na prach | Dust to Dust | |
7 | Exogenéza | Exogenesis | |
8 | Správy zo Zeme | Messages from Earth | |
9 | Bod, z ktorého niet návratu | Point of No Return | |
10 | Ťaživé sny | Severed Dreams | |
11 | Obrady svetla a tmy | Ceremonies of Light and Dark | |
12 | Falošný úradník | Sic Transit Vir | |
13 | Oneskorená zásielka z Avalonu | A Late Delivery from Avalon | |
14 | Loď nárekov | Ship of Tears | |
15 | Interludes and Examinations | Interludes and Examinations | |
16 | Vojna bez konca (1) | War without End (1) | |
17 | Vojna bez konca (2) | War without End (2) | |
18 | Cesta | Walkabout | |
19 | Stratená paluba | Grey 17 is Missing | |
20 | Keď skaly kričia, niet kam uniknúť | And the Rock Cried out, No Hiding Place | |
21 | Tanec tieňov | Shadow Dancing | |
22 | Z´Ha´Dum | Z´Ha´Dum | |
4. séria | |||
1 | Hodina vlkov | The Hour of the Wolf | |
2 | Čo sa stalo s pánom Garibaldim? | Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi? | |
3 | Stretnutie | The Summoning | |
4 | Premena na božskú podstatu | Falling Towards Apotheosis | |
5 | Dlhá noc | The Long Night | |
6 | Uprostred boja | Into the Fire | |
7 | Predtucha | Epiphanies | |
8 | Ilúzia pravdy | The Illusion of Truth | |
9 | Zmierenie | Atonement | |
10 | Cesta na Mars | Racing Mars | |
11 | Komunikačné linky | Lines of Communication | |
12 | Konflikt záujmov | Conflicts of Interest | |
13 | Povesti, dohody a klamstvá | Rumors, Bargains and Lies | |
14 | Momenty prechodu | Moments of Transition | |
15 | No Surrender, No Retreat | No Surrender, No Retreat | |
16 | The Exercise of Vital Powers | The Exercise of Vital Powers | |
17 | The Face of teh Enemy | The Face of teh Enemy | |
18 | Intersections in Real Time | Intersections in Real Time | |
19 | Between the Darkness and the Light | Between the Darkness and the Light | |
20 | Endgame | Endgame | |
21 | Rising Star | Rising Star | |
22 | The Deconstruction of Fallign Stars | The Deconstruction of Fallign Stars | |
5. séria | |||
1 | No Compromises | No Compromises | |
2 | The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari | The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari | |
3 | The Paragon of Animals | The Paragon of Animals | |
4 | A View from the Gallery | A View from the Gallery | |
5 | Learning Curve | Learning Curve | |
6 | Strange Relations | Strange Relations | |
7 | Secrets of the Soul | Secrets of the Soul | |
8 | Day of the Dead | Day of the Dead | |
9 | In the Kingdom of the Blind | In the Kingdom of the Blind | |
10 | A Tragedy of Telepaths | A Tragedy of Telepaths | |
11 | Phoenix Rising | Phoenix Rising | |
12 | The Ragged Edge | The Ragged Edge | |
13 | The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father | The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father | |
14 | Meditations on the Abyss | Meditations on the Abyss | |
15 | Darkness Ascending | Darkness Ascending | |
16 | And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder | And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder | |
17 | Movements of Fire and Shadow | Movements of Fire and Shadow | |
18 | The Fall of Centauri Prime | The Fall of Centauri Prime | |
19 | Wheel of Fire | Wheel of Fire | |
20 | Objects in Motion | Objects in Motion | |
21 | Objects at Rest | Objects at Rest | |
22 | Sleeping in Light | Sleeping in Light |
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Babylonu 5 - Zostrih seriálu z pohľadu fanúšika
Filmová história sci-fi, časť 6. (1990-2000)