BNA: Brand New Animal (2020)

In the 21st century, the existence of animal-humans came to light after being hidden in the darkness of history. Michiru lived life as a normal human, until one day she suddenly turns into a tanuki-human. She runs away and takes refuge in a special city area called "Anima City" that was set up 10 ye...


Slov. názov BNA: Brand New Animal
Orig. názov BNA ビー・エヌ・エー
Hodnotenie 90 % (1 hodnotení)
Anotácia In the 21st century, the existence of animal-humans came to light after being hidden in the darkness of history. Michiru lived life as a normal human, until one day she suddenly turns into a tanuki-human. She runs away and takes refuge in a special city area called "Anima City" that was set up 10 years ago for animal-humans to be able to live as themselves. There Michiru meets Shirou, a wolf-human who hates humans. Through Shirou, Michiru starts to learn about the worries, lifestyle, and joys of the animal-humans. As Michiru and Shirou try to learn why Michiru suddenly turned into an animal-human, they unexpectedly get wrapped up in a large incident.
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8HitBoy @HB 26.03.2021
X-Men ft. Zootropolis, a to všetko v parádnom vizuálnom kabátiku. Animácie a designy postáv sú na šialene geniálom leveli, hudba je vynikajúca, dej baví, záver prekvapí. Jedno z príjemných prekvapení roka 2020.


Mesto plné chlpáčov (Brand New Animal)

Keď ste antropomorfnéj zviera, máte vo svete BNA dve možnosti. Čeliť neustálemu prenasledovaniu ľuďmi alebo nájsť cestu do idilistického mestečka Anima City.

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Jarné anime na nás ceria tesáky

Tohtoročná jar mení svet. Jedna vec je ale stále istá, sezónna nádielka anime. Či už ste fanúšikmi sci-fi, fantasy, máte radi romantiku spojenú s drámou alebo patríte k mačacím ľuďom, niečo sa tu pre ...

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Trailer - BNA: Brand New Animal - Official Trailer
Trailer - BNA: Brand New Animal Trailer - Official PV「English Sub」