To Your Eternity (2021)

An immortal being was sent to the surface of the earth and met a boy living alone in the middle of tundra. The being can take the shape of dying things, but only if the "impetus" is stronger than the previous one. What sort of experiences and meetings will the being encounter while living forever?


Slov. názov To Your Eternity
Orig. názov 不滅のあなたへ
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Anotácia An immortal being was sent to the surface of the earth and met a boy living alone in the middle of tundra. The being can take the shape of dying things, but only if the "impetus" is stronger than the previous one. What sort of experiences and meetings will the being encounter while living forever?
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Prehľad jarnej anime sezóny 2021

Zabudnite na súboje vlkov, na búrlivú lásku študentov či snahu prekonať traumu. Boj s Titanmi dávno skončil, čarodejnice sa odobrali na odpočinok a detské naháňačky s príšerami... no, veď viete.

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Trailer - To Your Eternity | OFFICIAL TRAILER