How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom (2021)

Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king. Unlike the royalty before him, he won’t be using swords and magic to rule; will administrative reform really get this kingdom back on track?


Slov. názov How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom
Orig. názov 現実主義勇者の王国再建記
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Anotácia Suddenly summoned to a fantasy world and betrothed to the princess, Kazuya Souma is crowned the new king. Unlike the royalty before him, he won’t be using swords and magic to rule; will administrative reform really get this kingdom back on track?
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Trailer - How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom (2021) - Official Trailer | English Sub