The House of the Lost on the Cape (2021)

17-year-old run-away Yui and 8-year-old Hiyori, who lost her family and her voice, have no place to go when they run into Kiwa, a strange old lady. She offers them a place to stay, in a slightly banged-up old house overlooking the sea, a Mayoiga. Despite joining Kiwa on a whim, the two girls find co...


Slov. názov The House of the Lost on the Cape
Orig. názov 岬のマヨイガ
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Anotácia 17-year-old run-away Yui and 8-year-old Hiyori, who lost her family and her voice, have no place to go when they run into Kiwa, a strange old lady. She offers them a place to stay, in a slightly banged-up old house overlooking the sea, a Mayoiga. Despite joining Kiwa on a whim, the two girls find comfort in Mayoiga, a legendary house, said to look after lost travelers, and the warm hospitality of Kiwa. Both girls' damaged hearts begin to heal little by little. Until one day, a variety of strange beings, which Kiwa calls "Fushigitto", begin popping up around the house…
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Prehľad letnej anime sezóny 2021

Po veľmi silnej jarnej sezóne, kedy sme nestíhali pozerať ani zďaleka všetko, čo by sme chceli, tu máme leto. Oddych, dovolenky, 30-stupňové horúčavy a nová dávka letných anime seriálov. Na prvý pohľa...

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Trailer - Misaki no Mayoiga Movie | Official Trailer New PV