Red Dead Redemption 2 ()

Red Dead Redemption 2 has a lot to live up to, so it's reasonable that Rockstar Games wants a little more time to get this open-world Wild West sequel just right. Given the delay from 2017 into mid-2018, concrete details on RDR2 are relatively scarce, besides the fact that there'll be a multiplayer ...


Slov. názov Red Dead Redemption 2
Orig. názov Red Dead Redemption 2
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Anotácia Red Dead Redemption 2 has a lot to live up to, so it's reasonable that Rockstar Games wants a little more time to get this open-world Wild West sequel just right. Given the delay from 2017 into mid-2018, concrete details on RDR2 are relatively scarce, besides the fact that there'll be a multiplayer mode to complement the single-player story this time around. The newest batch of RDR2 screenshots tides us over while we wait with visions of lush woodlands, dusty prairie roads, and grandiose train robberies.
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Filmová história scifi


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V predchádzajúcej časti sme sa pozreli na zúbok niektorým očakávaným titulom, v dnešnej si rozoberieme ďalšie štyri. Od divokého západu, cez upírov, scifi strieľačku po kariéru nádejného piráta (nie, ...

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