Hand of Fate 2 (2017)

A new hero rises to challenge the Dealer in Hand of Fate 2! Master a living boardgame of infinitely replayable quests - unlock new cards, build your adventure, then defeat your foes in brutal real-time combat! Draw your cards, play your hand and discover your fate!


Slov. názov Hand of Fate 2
Orig. názov Hand of Fate 2
Hodnotenie Ešte nehodnotené
Anotácia A new hero rises to challenge the Dealer in Hand of Fate 2! Master a living boardgame of infinitely replayable quests - unlock new cards, build your adventure, then defeat your foes in brutal real-time combat! Draw your cards, play your hand and discover your fate!
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Filmová história scifi


Hand of Fate 2 (2017, Defiant Development) – recenzia

Pred nejakým časom som sa tu rozplýval nad titulom Hand of Fate. Po dvoch rokoch sme sa dočkali pokračovania. Tvorcovia sľubovali vylepšenia a rôzne novinky, ale najmä príbeh, vďaka ktorému by to nebo...

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