Lucifer (2016)

Lucifer sa po dlhých rokoch rozhodne opustiť peklo a užívať si bezstarostný život priamo na Zemi. Využíva svoje schopnosti a nesmrteľnosť v meste anjelov v Los Angeles, kde vedie svoj luxusný podnik Lux. Do cesty sa mu však dostáva záhandá policajtka, nad ktorou nemá jeho moc žiadnu silu a navyše, z...
EPIZÓDA: A Good Day to Die (A Good Day to Die)
Lucifer must find the antidote to the Professor's poison before it kills Chloe. He travels to hell to find the Professor's soul and get him to turn over the antidote. While he's there, he is forced to confront his guilt about Uriel's death. Mom heads to hell to get Lucifer back, but Lucifer still feels betrayed by his parents because of something he discovers.
Filmová história scifi


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