Lucifer (2016)

Lucifer sa po dlhých rokoch rozhodne opustiť peklo a užívať si bezstarostný život priamo na Zemi. Využíva svoje schopnosti a nesmrteľnosť v meste anjelov v Los Angeles, kde vedie svoj luxusný podnik Lux. Do cesty sa mu však dostáva záhandá policajtka, nad ktorou nemá jeho moc žiadnu silu a navyše, z...
EPIZÓDA: The One with the Baby Carrot (The One with the Baby Carrot)
After Lucifer removes his wings yet again, Linda becomes concerned that he is too focused on tracking down the Sinnerman and neglecting his own well-being. Tensions continue to rise between Lucifer and Chloe, but they realize they must put their differences aside to solve a case in which Lucifer takes a sudden interest. Once Detective Pierce's past is revealed though, everyone realizes that the Sinnerman is much more dangerous than they thought.
Filmová história scifi


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