Lucifer (2016)

Lucifer sa po dlhých rokoch rozhodne opustiť peklo a užívať si bezstarostný život priamo na Zemi. Využíva svoje schopnosti a nesmrteľnosť v meste anjelov v Los Angeles, kde vedie svoj luxusný podnik Lux. Do cesty sa mu však dostáva záhandá policajtka, nad ktorou nemá jeho moc žiadnu silu a navyše, z...
EPIZÓDA: Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith (Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith)
After talking to Lucifer and Linda, Maze realizes that she is looking for more out of life and decides to head to Canada for a tricky case. Chloe however, becomes concerned when she feels that Maze is being deceived by a scheming conman. Upon further investigation, Lucifer and Chloe make a stunning realization when they find that their target may be much closer than they thought.


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