Shaman King (2021)

The Shaman King is the one who can contact the king of spirits and reshape the world. Every 500 years, shamans, who can commune between the worlds of the living and dead, compete in the Shaman Fight to become the next Shaman King. Among those aiming for the top is a young shaman named Yoh Asakura.


Slov. názov Shaman King
Orig. názov SHAMAN KING
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Anotácia The Shaman King is the one who can contact the king of spirits and reshape the world. Every 500 years, shamans, who can commune between the worlds of the living and dead, compete in the Shaman Fight to become the next Shaman King. Among those aiming for the top is a young shaman named Yoh Asakura.
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Filmová história scifi


Prehľad jarnej anime sezóny 2021

Zabudnite na súboje vlkov, na búrlivú lásku študentov či snahu prekonať traumu. Boj s Titanmi dávno skončil, čarodejnice sa odobrali na odpočinok a detské naháňačky s príšerami... no, veď viete.

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Trailer - SHAMAN KING | Official Trailer | Netflix Anime