Record of Ragnarok (2021)

Every 1000 years, the Gods' Council assemble to decide the fate of humanity. After 7 million years of human history, the gods come to the decision that humans are irredeemable and must be extinct.


Slov. názov Record of Ragnarok
Orig. názov Record of Ragnarok
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Anotácia Every 1000 years, the Gods' Council assemble to decide the fate of humanity. After 7 million years of human history, the gods come to the decision that humans are irredeemable and must be extinct.
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Prehľad jarnej anime sezóny 2021

Zabudnite na súboje vlkov, na búrlivú lásku študentov či snahu prekonať traumu. Boj s Titanmi dávno skončil, čarodejnice sa odobrali na odpočinok a detské naháňačky s príšerami... no, veď viete.

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Trailer - Record of Ragnarok | Official Trailer | Netflix Anime