Slov. názov | Pán času |
Orig. názov | Doctor Who |
Hodnotenie | 87 % (3 hodnotení) |
Anotácia | Rose Tylerová žije nudný život predajnej asistentky v jednom londýnskom obchodnom centre, keď sa jedného dňa preberú umelohmotní manekýni k životu a pokúšajú sa ju zabiť. Pomôže jej čudný muž, ktorý sám seba nazýva Doktor. Spolu s ním sa ocitá uprostred boja o ľudstvo napadnuté mimozemšťanmi, ktorí sa ho pokúšajú asimilovať. Jej priateľ je ale čudesnejší ako si myslela - je to Pán času a tiež mimozemšťan, posledný jeho rasy. V svojej lodi TARDIS pláva časom a priestorom a bojuje proti zlu. Ak sa s ním rozhodne ísť, zažije všetko od konca Zeme až po stretnutie s Charlesom Dickinsonom... zážitok na celý život! |
Tvoje hodnotenie |
Minirecenzia: Ak chceš hodnotiť sfdb, musíš byť prihlásený |
Osoby a obsadenie | |
Doktor | David Tennant |
Rose Tyler | Billie Piper |
Ood Sigma | Paul Kasey |
P. č. | Názov | Originálny názov | Prod |
241 | Doktorov čas | Time of the Doctor, The | |
1. séria | |||
1 | Rose | Rose | |
2 | The End of the World | The End of the World | |
3 | The Unquiet Dead | The Unquiet Dead | |
4 | Aliens of London (1) | Aliens of London | |
5 | World War Three (2) | World War Three | |
6 | Dalek | Dalek | |
7 | The Long Game | The Long Game | |
8 | Father's Day | Father's Day | |
9 | The Empty Child (1) | The Empty Child | |
10 | The Doctor Dances (2) | The Doctor Dances | |
11 | Boom Town | Boom Town | |
12 | Bad Wolf (1) | Bad Wolf | |
13 | The Parting of the Ways (2) | The Parting of the Ways | |
2. séria | |||
1 | New Earth | New Earth | |
2 | Tooth and Claw | Tooth and Claw | |
3 | School Reunion | School Reunion | |
4 | The Girl in the Fireplace | The Girl in the Fireplace | |
5 | Rise of the Cybermen (1) | Rise of the Cybermen | |
6 | The Age of Steel (2) | The Age of Steel | |
7 | The Idiot's Lantern | The Idiot's Lantern | |
8 | The Impossible Planet (1) | The Impossible Planet | |
9 | The Satan Pit (2) | The Satan Pit | |
10 | Love and Monsters | Love & Monsters | |
11 | Fear Her | Fear Her | |
12 | Army of Ghosts (1) | Army of Ghosts | |
13 | Doomsday (2) | Doomsday | |
3. séria | |||
1 | Smith and Jones | Smith and Jones | |
2 | The Shakespeare Code | The Shakespeare Code | |
3 | Gridlock | Gridlock | |
4 | Daleks in Manhattan (1) | Daleks in Manhattan | |
5 | Evolution of the Daleks (2) | Evolution of the Daleks | |
6 | The Lazarus Experiment | The Lazarus Experiment | |
7 | 42 | 42 | |
8 | Human Nature (1) | Human Nature | |
9 | The Family of Blood (2) | The Family of Blood | |
10 | Blink | Blink | |
11 | Utopia (1) | Utopia | |
12 | The Sound of Drums (2) | The Sound of Drums | |
13 | Last of the Time Lords (3) | Last of the Time Lords | |
4. séria | |||
1 | Partners in Crime | Partners in Crime | |
2 | The Fires of Pompeii | The Fires of Pompeii | |
3 | Vody Marsu | Waters of Mars, The | |
4 | Koniec času (1. časť) | End of Time, The (Part 1) | |
5 | Koniec času (2. časť) | End of Time, The (Part 2) | |
6 | The Doctor's Daughter | The Doctor's Daughter | |
7 | The Unicorn and the Wasp | The Unicorn and the Wasp | |
8 | Silence in the Library (1) | Silence in the Library (1) | |
9 | Forest of the Dead (2) | Forest of the Dead (2) | |
10 | Midnight | Midnight | |
11 | Turn Left | Turn Left | |
12 | The Stolen Earth (1) | The Stolen Earth (1) | |
13 | Journey's End (2) | Journey's End (2) | |
5. séria | |||
1 | V hodine jedenástej | The Eleventh Hour | |
2 | Zviera pod nami | The Beast Below | |
3 | Víťazstvo Dalekov | Victory of the Daleks | |
4 | The Time of Angels (1) | The Time of Angels | |
5 | Flesh and Stone (2) | Flesh and Stone | |
6 | The Vampires of Venice | The Vampires of Venice | |
7 | Amy's Choice | Amy's Choice | |
8 | The Hungry Earth (1) | The Hungry Earth | |
9 | Cold Blood (2) | Cold Blood | |
10 | Vincent a Doctor | Vincent and the Doctor | |
11 | The Lodger | The Lodger | |
12 | The Pandorica Opens (1) | The Pandorica Opens | |
13 | The Big Bang (2) | The Big Bang | |
6. séria | |||
1 | The Impossible Astronaut (1) | The Impossible Astronaut | |
2 | Day of the Moon (2) | Day of the Moon | |
3 | The Curse of the Black Spot | The Curse of the Black Spot | |
4 | The Doctor's Wife | The Doctor's Wife | |
5 | The Rebel Flesh (1) | The Rebel Flesh | |
6 | The Almost People (2) | The Almost People | |
7 | A Good Man Goes to War (1) | A Good Man Goes to War | |
8 | Let's Kill Hitler (2) | Let's Kill Hitler | |
9 | Night Terrors | Night Terrors | |
10 | The Girl Who Waited | The Girl Who Waited | |
11 | The God Complex | The God Complex | |
12 | Closing Time | Closing Time | |
13 | The Wedding of River Song | The Wedding of River Song | |
7. séria | |||
1 | Liečebňa Dalekov | Asylum of the Daleks | |
2 | Dinosaury na vesmírnej lodi | Dinosaurs on a Spaceship | |
3 | Mestečko zvané Milosť | A Town Called Mercy | |
4 | Sila na tretiu | The Power of Three | |
5 | Anjeli si podmaňujú Manhattan | The Angels Take Manhattan | |
6 | Snehuliaci | The Snowmen | |
7 | Zvony svätého Jána | The Bells of Saint John | |
8 | Prstence Achatenu | The Rings of Akhaten | |
9 | Studená vojna | Cold War | |
10 | Ukrývať sa | Hide | |
11 | Cesta do stredu TARDIS | Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS | |
12 | Karmínová hrôza | The Crimson Horror | |
13 | Nočná mora v striebornej | Nightmare in Silver | |
14 | Noc Doktora: Mini Epizóda (Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor Prequel) | The Night of the Doctor: A Mini Episode - Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor Prequel | |
15 | Doktorovo meno | The Name of the Doctor | |
16 | Doktorov deň | The Day of the Doctor | |
8. séria | |||
1 | Hlboký nádych | Deep Breath | |
2 | Dovnútra Daleka | Into the Dalek | |
3 | Robot zo Sherwoodu | Robot of Sherwood | |
4 | Počúvaj | Listen | |
5 | Časová lúpež | Time Heist | |
6 | Školník | The Caretaker | |
7 | Zabiť Mesiac | Kill the Moon | |
8 | Múmia v Orient Exprese | Mummy on the Orient Express | |
9 | Rovná čiara | Flatline | |
10 | Lesnou tmou | In the Forest of the Night | |
11 | Temná voda | Dark Water | |
12 | Nebeská smrť | Death in Heaven | |
13 | Posledné Vianoce | Last Christmas | |
9. séria | |||
1 | Čarodejníkov učeň | The Magician''s Apprentice | |
2 | Bosorkina služobníčka | The Witch''s Familiar | |
3 | Pod jazerom | Under the Lake | |
4 | Pred potopou | Before the Flood | |
5 | Dievča, ktoré zomrelo | The Girl Who Died | |
6 | Žena, ktorá žila | The Woman Who Lived | |
7 | Zygonská invázia | The Zygon Invasion | |
8 | Zygonská inverzia | The Zygon Inversion | |
9 | Už nespi | Sleep No More | |
10 | Tvárou v tvár krkavcovi | Face the Raven | |
11 | Nebom zoslaný | Heaven Sent | |
12 | Pekelne odhodlaný | Hell Bent | |
10. séria | |||
1 | The Pilot | The Pilot | |
2 | Smile | Smile | |
3 | Thin Ice | Thin Ice | |
4 | Knock Knock | Knock Knock | |
5 | Oxygen | Oxygen | |
6 | Extremis (1) | Extremis (1) | |
7 | The Pyramid at the End of the World (2) | The Pyramid at the End of the World (2) | |
8 | The Lie of the Land | The Lie of the Land | |
9 | Empress of Mars | Empress of Mars | |
10 | The Eaters of Light | The Eaters of Light | |
11 | World Enough and Time (1) | World Enough and Time (1) | |
12 | The Doctor Falls (2) | The Doctor Falls (2) | |
11. séria | |||
1 | Žena, ktorá spadla na Zem | The Woman Who Fell to Earth | |
2 | Monument duchov | The Ghost Monument | |
3 | Rosa | Rosa | |
4 | Pavúky v Spojenom kráľovstve | Arachnids in the UK | |
5 | Tsurangský hlavolam | The Tsuranga Conundrum | |
6 | Paňdžabskí démoni | Demons of the Punjab | |
7 | Kerblam! | Kerblam! | |
8 | Lovci čarodejníc | The Witchfinders | |
9 | Odnesie ťa to preč | It Takes You Away | |
10 | Bitka pri Ranskoor Av Kolos | The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos | |
11 | Resolution | Resolution | |
12. séria | |||
1 | Spyfall, Part 1 | Spyfall: Part One | |
2 | Spyfall, Part 2 | Spyfall: Part Two | |
3 | Orphan 55 | Orphan 55 | |
4 | Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror | Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror | |
5 | Fugitive of the Judoon | Fugitive of the Judoon | |
6 | Praxeus | Praxeus | |
7 | Can You Hear Me? | Can You Hear Me? | |
8 | The Haunting of Villa Diodati | The Haunting of Villa Diodati | |
9 | Ascension of the Cybermen | Ascension of the Cybermen | |
10 | The Timeless Children | The Timeless Children |
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