Cthulhu koledy k adventu

Keďže už máme tie Vianoce skoro na dostrel... a budeme ich adventovo odpočítavať, prečo by sme tak nerobili s trochou nadsádzky a našimi obľúbenými šialenými božstvami... Spievajte s nami!
Filmová história scifi
Oh Come All Ye Old Ones
Cthulhu - Fan video - Cthulhu koleda - Oh Come All Ye Old Ones Disclaimer
1. strofa
O come all ye Old Ones, Ithaqua and Glaaki;
Come foul Tsathoggua and all Nameless Ones.
Come Great Cthulhu, rising from the ocean.
O come, let us implore them,
We really can't ignore them,
O come, let us restore them,
Greath Old Ones!
2. strofa
Their old dominion Mankind now rules blithely,
Stars turning overhead to mark our doom.
They will return here, greedy and malevolent.
Awake Ye Scary Great Old Ones
Cthulhu - Fan video - Cthulhu koleda - Awake Ye Scary Great Old Ones Disclaimer
Awake ye scary Great Old Ones, let everything dismay,
Remember Great Cthulhu shall rise up from R'lyeh,
To kill us all with Tentacles if we should go his way.
Oh tidings of madness and woe, madness and woe.
Oh tidings of madness and woe.
In Yuggoth and in Aldebraan the Great Old Ones were spawned,
Imprisoned by the Elder Gods to wait for long eons,
Enticing humans to release them, chanting dreadful songs.
Oh tidings of madness and woe, madness and woe.
Oh tidings of madness and woe.
An Arab said: "That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange eons you will find that even death may die."
The Great Old Ones will rule once more and all will be destroyed!
Oh tidings of madness and woe, madness and woe.
Oh tidings of madness and woe.

Alexander Schneider

Alexander Schneider
Knižný a filmový recenzent, bývalý porotca súťaže Martinus Cena Fantázie, propagátor a predseda Združenia fanúšikov Babylonu 5 na Slovensku. Scifi, fantasy, horor: Herbert, Holdstock a Lumley.

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