Anthem ()

Anthem is essentially EA's answer to Destiny: a shared-world shooter that aims to fully immerse players in a gigantic sci-fi universe. You play as a Freelancer (don't call them Guardians) engaging in third-person, Mass Effect-style shootouts, armored up in your Javelin exosuit to explore and extermi...


Slov. názov Anthem
Orig. názov Anthem
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Anotácia Anthem is essentially EA's answer to Destiny: a shared-world shooter that aims to fully immerse players in a gigantic sci-fi universe. You play as a Freelancer (don't call them Guardians) engaging in third-person, Mass Effect-style shootouts, armored up in your Javelin exosuit to explore and exterminate within some gigantic alien biomes. As you might expect, there's an emphasis on party play (for up to four-player co-op) and the pursuit of increasingly impressive loot, and it's promising to hear that Anthem will be penned by the writer of KOTOR and the first two Mass Effect games.
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