Silent Hill 2 (2024)

Silent Hill 2 is a 2024 survival horror game developed by Bloober Team and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. It is a remake of the 2001 video game Silent Hill 2, originally developed by Team Silent, a group within Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET). It is the first major installment...


Slov. názov Silent Hill 2
Orig. názov Silent Hill 2
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Anotácia Silent Hill 2 is a 2024 survival horror game developed by Bloober Team and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. It is a remake of the 2001 video game Silent Hill 2, originally developed by Team Silent, a group within Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET). It is the first major installment in the Silent Hill series since Silent Hill: Downpour (2012). Like the original game, it follows James Sunderland, a widower, who returns to the eponymous town upon receiving a letter from his deceased wife, Mary, who claims to be waiting there for him.
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Silent Hill 2 - triumfálny návrat kráľa survival hororu

Remake Silent Hill 2 nielenže moje očakávania nesklamal, ale v mnohých aspektoch prekonal aj tie najoptimistickejšie predstavy. Dokázal verne zachytiť dušu originálu, ba čo viac, ešte ju umocnil a pri...

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Silent Hill 2 trailer
Silent Hill 2 Remake OST - Promise of the Forgotten Original Soundtrack