Po veľmi silnej jarnej sezóne, kedy sme nestíhali pozerať ani zďaleka všetko, čo by sme chceli, tu máme leto. Oddych, dovolenky, 30-stupňové horúčavy a nová dávka letných anime seriálov. Na prvý pohľa...
Slov. názov | Remake Our Life! |
Orig. názov | ぼくたちのリメイク |
Hodnotenie | Ešte nehodnotené |
Anotácia | Hashiba Kyouya is a 28-year-old game developer. With his company going bankrupt, and him losing his job, he returns to his hometown. Looking at the success of creators of his age, he finds himself regretting his life decisions as he lay distressed on his bed. As Kyouya wakes up, he discovers that he has traveled ten years back to the time before he entered college. Will he be able to finally make things right? |
Tvoje hodnotenie |
Minirecenzia: Ak chceš hodnotiť sfdb, musíš byť prihlásený |
Osoby a obsadenie |
Prehľad letnej anime sezóny 2021