Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(121) "Pozor! Pred rokom a pol, na naše desiate výročie, sme mali 24 poviedok. Prekonali sme dnes tento rekord?
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(102) "Chystáte sa na prešovský con? Píšete poviedky? Ak ste na obe otázky odpovedali kladne, klik sem!"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(105) "Poviedky na počkanie sa približujú k ďalšiemu veľkému míľniku. Oslávite s nami magickú stovku?"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(51) "Ako sa autorom darilo dnes? Dozviete sa v článku."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(24) "Je čas. Poďme písať."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(39) "Tak koľko poviedok ste dnes napísali?"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(44) "Témy decembrového kola PNP sú chrumkavé!"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(32) "Vyhodnotenie 97. kola PNP je tu."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(36) "Témy novembrového kola PNP sú tu."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(40) "Dnes sa veru zamakali! Takto to dopadlo."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2664
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(84) "Opäť ďalšie Poviedky na počkanie! Tentokrát s jemným halloweenskym nádychom."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2665
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(90) "Recenziu na bizarnú zbierku pre vás napísal autor fantastických poviedok Miro Švercel"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2665
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(121) "Pozor! Pred rokom a pol, na naše desiate výročie, sme mali 24 poviedok. Prekonali sme dnes tento rekord?
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2665
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(10) "100. kolo!"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2665
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(244) "Rok 2024 bol na preklady zahraničnej science fiction literatúry skúpejší než predchádzajúce ročníky, no napriek tomu sa podarilo vyselektovať tie najlepšie tituly za minulý rok, ktoré by si mal každý fanúšik scifi prečítať!"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2665
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(48) "Kompletné pravidlá našej dvojmesačnej výzvy"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(20) "Ako to dnes dopadlo?"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(993) "Dnes sme sa pri Poviedkach na počkanie stretli už po 71. raz. Prišlo nám týchto 10 poviedok:
Aby sme si trochu predĺžili napätie a podporili diskusiu, bodovanie bude do zajtra večera skryté. Hor sa do čítania! Tešíme sa na vaše komentáre.
Ste rozbehnutí a ešte by ste si niečo napísali? A čo takto vyskúšať našu výzvu {spacenews,7470,Fantastická poviedka}? Súťažné poviedky do ďalšieho kola nám môžete poslať do konca októbra.
Zároveň máte ešte týždeň, aby ste obodovali poviedky z prebiehajúceho kola.
Máte hotovú aj inú, nesúťažnú poviedku? Chcete sa s ňou podeliť s ostatnými fanúšikmi scifi, fantasy a hororu? Na {b,} vždy radi prijmeme a uverejníme každú žánrovú poviedku, ktorú nám pošlete. Tak teda neváhajte!"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(3) "PNP"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(54) "Každý sa s nepriazňou osudu vyrovnávame po svojom."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(3) "PNP"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(39) "O zániku vesmíru, jedného z mnohých"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(3) "PNP"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(90) "Mladá vedkyňa sa dostane k objavu, ktorý môže ohroziť všetky živé druhy v Galaxii"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(70) "Les, v ktorom sú kliatby a mágia živé a vnučka, čo si ide po ne."
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(3) "PNP"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(6) "PNP 71"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10163
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(38) "Hlboký je les, aj včera tak, aj dnes"
Memory usage: 2.097.152 31.03.2025 21:04:15 more...
Memory peak: 2.097.152
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9924
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3140
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 10229
Method: scifi->analyzetext2
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 9931
Method: scifi->analyzetext
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 3148
Method: scifi->SpaceNews_List
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2701
Method: scifi->SpaceNews
Request: class.scifi.php
Line: 2388
Method: scifi->Go_Spacenews
Request: index.php
Line: 5
string(41) "Please contact SnazzyBee if you see this."
string(48) "Kompletné pravidlá našej dvojmesačnej výzvy"
Poviedky na počkanie 71 - Vyhodnotenie - - Slovenský portál sci-fi, fantasy, mystery a hororu
Dnes sme sa pri Poviedkach na počkanie stretli už po 71. raz. Prišlo nám týchto 10 poviedok:
Aby sme si trochu predĺžili napätie a podporili diskusiu, bodovanie bude do zajtra večera skryté. Hor sa do čítania! Tešíme sa na vaše komentáre.
Ste rozbehnutí a ešte by ste si niečo napísali? A čo takto vyskúšať našu výzvu
Fantastická poviedka ? Súťažné poviedky do ďalšieho kola nám môžete poslať do konca októbra.
Zároveň máte ešte týždeň, aby ste obodovali poviedky z prebiehajúceho kola.
Máte hotovú aj inú, nesúťažnú poviedku? Chcete sa s ňou podeliť s ostatnými fanúšikmi scifi, fantasy a hororu? Na vždy radi prijmeme a uverejníme každú žánrovú poviedku, ktorú nám pošlete. Tak teda neváhajte!
Hodnotenie tohto článku:
Ak chceš hodnotiť spacenews, musíš byť
Ďalšie články, ktoré by ťa mohli zaujímať...