Metro - Exodus ()

Metro Exodus is the third game in this criminally underappreciated post-apocalyptic FPS series, transporting you to the irradiated ruins of modern civilization, now teeming with mutated animals, which somehow still manage to look beautiful (in a bleak, desolate kind of way). You play as a hardened s...


Slov. názov Metro - Exodus
Orig. názov Metro - Exodus
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Anotácia Metro Exodus is the third game in this criminally underappreciated post-apocalyptic FPS series, transporting you to the irradiated ruins of modern civilization, now teeming with mutated animals, which somehow still manage to look beautiful (in a bleak, desolate kind of way). You play as a hardened survivor slowly making your way across Russia during a harsh nuclear winter, fending off gigantic rats in abandoned subway tunnels and scavenging for supplies topside. Just be sure to keep an eye out for any radioactive bears that could get the jump on you.
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Očakávané hry v roku 2018 (3. časť)

V dnešnej časti sa pozrieme na novinky zo sveta anime hier, zároveň aj zabrúsime do vôd ambicióznych sérií. V tento časti platí, že čo titul, to perla.

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